Old Town Scottsdale and Museum of Contemporary Art, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Apr 22, 2022 | Museum, Shopping, Town, USA: Arizona

Old Town Scottsdale – offers boutique shopping.  Many bars, lounges, restaurants, and clubs provide myriad dining and nightlife opportunities.  The Museum of Contemporary Art is located in Old Town Scottsdale.

Old Town Scottsdale: 3815 N Brown Ave, Scottsdale, AZ 85251.
Museum of Contemporary Art: 7374 E 2nd St, Scottsdale, AZ 85251.

The town is too large to see by walking.  I first drove to the town’s shopping area, then moved again to the art museum located near where the old building structures remain.

The map of the town.  The photographs are from near the center of the map, “Bronze Horse Fountain.”

Tourists on the ride.

I drove to Scottsdale Contemporary Museum, located at the lower left of the map.  It is a small museum.

Out of the museum, I walked around the area where old building structures still remain.

Walked back to the church.