Damyang Juknokwon (Bamboo Forest), Metasequoia-lined Road, and Meta Provence, South Korea
A day trip to Damyang from Gwangju. It is a change from bustling Gwangju to quiet and scenic Damyang.
Damyang Joknokwon: 119 Jungnogwon-ro, Damyang-eup, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Metasequoia-lined Road: 12 Metasekwoia-ro, Damyang-eup, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Meta Provence: 583-4 Hakdong-ri, Damyang-eup, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Took an express bus to Damyang from Gwangju. It is about $11 and took about an hour. This river is in front of the Bamboo Forest entrance.

Juknokwon, the bamboo forest. It is a medium-sized forest, but the scenery looks the same everywhere.

Next to Juknokwon is Noodle Street, where half a dozen restaurants selling noodle food.

From the noodle street, took a taxi to Metasequoia-lined Road. The road is lined with metasequoia trees, and it is about a mile long.

A parkt along the road.

A side road along the meta sequoia road.

Totems in the park

Meta Provence is a short walk from Metasequoia Road. It is a European theme town with shopping stores and eateries.

I decided to walk to the express bus station for Gwangju, which is about 1.2 miles away. As I walked, I passed by rice farmlands.

Back to near the bus station. One of the things difficult about going to the countryside is the lack of public transportation where the bus comes infrequently, and taxi is harder to find. It is better to have a car to visit locations far away from cities.