Suncheon Bay National Garden and Nature Reserve (Wetland), South Korea
Suncheonman Bay National Garden was established on a plot of 1.12 million ㎢ to help protect Suncheonman Bay—the garden houses over 790,000 trees in 505 species and 3.15 million flowers in 113 species. Suncheon Bay is a coastal wetland composed of a 3.5 km long stream, a 2,221 ha wide tideland, and a 230 ha wide field of reeds.
Suncheon Bay National Garden: 47, Gukgajeongwon1ho-gil, Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Suncheon Bay Nature Reserve: 513-25 Suncheonman-gil, Dosa-dong, Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
I took a bus to the garden, entered through the East Gate.

The bridge to the east side of the garden.

On the eastern side, a monorail tram is available that goes to Suncheonman Bay, the wetland.

The view of farmland from the tram. Every inch of available land is used for rice farming.

The Sunsheonman Bay.

Took the same tram back to the garden. On the way back, looking at the farmland again.

Back to the garden.