Roman Forum, Rome, Italy
The Roman Forum, also known as the Forum Romanum in Latin, was the central public square in ancient Rome. It served as the heart of the city’s political, religious, and commercial activities for centuries.
The Roman Forum: Via della Salara Vecchia, 5/6, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
I joined a tour group for the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. The Tour saw the Roman Forum first and then the Colosseum. We met close to the Colosseum and walked to Palatine Hill to visit Palatine Hill first.

The entrance that leads to the Palatine Hill

Stadium of Domitian: Emperor Domitian built a large stadium on the Palatine, known as the Stadium of Domitian or Circus Agonalis. It was used for various public events and competitions.

The Domus Augustana, also known as the House of Augustus, was the primary residence of Emperor Augustus on the Palatine Hill in ancient Rome. This complex served as the official imperial residence during Augustus’s reign and was part of the larger Palatine complex, which included other palatial structures and gardens.

Imperial Palaces: The hill became the site of the imperial palaces during the Roman Empire. Augustus, the first Roman Emperor, constructed the Domus Augustana on the hill, which expanded over time to become a complex of palaces known as the Palatium. The term “palace” is derived from Palatine Hill.

Ancient Residences: Palatine Hill is traditionally considered the location where Rome was founded. According to Roman mythology, it is where the twins Romulus and Remus were found and raised by a she-wolf. In later times, it became a prestigious residential area, and many Roman emperors, including Augustus, Tiberius, and Domitian, built their palaces on the hill.
The panoramic view

Terrazza Belvedere del Palatino.
Overlooking the Roman Forum from the Palatine Hill. The panoramic view of the hill that overlooks.

The view of the Roman Forum

On the left side of the forum

On the right side of the forum with the Colessium

Walking down to the Roman Forum

The back side

Looking at a side

Walking to the forum

Looking back at the observation terrace

The Basilica dei Santi Cosma e Damiano

Antoninus and Faustina Temple

The Il Tempio dei Dioscuri

The Roman Forum

Walking back towards the Colosseum.

Antoninus and Faustina Temple

Tempio di Romolo’s door