Munich Residenz Treasury and Rest of Munich Walk, Germany

Aug 17, 2024 | Europe, Germany, Museum

Munich Residence Treasury has royal regalia, ceremonial objects, and precious artifacts.

Munich Residence: Residenzstraße 1, 80333 München, Germany
Theatine Church: Salvatorplatz 2a, 80333 München, Germany
Date Picture Taken: May, 2024

I arrived at Marienplatz by subway train and then walked toward the Munich Residence. The Treasury is located inside the Munich Residence. I was not able to visit the Treasury on my first visit because I ran out of time.

The Munich Residenz Museum

Inside the museum.  The Treasury is located within one of these buildings.

The Treasury (Schatzkammer) within the Munich Residenz is particularly famous for its extensive collection of royal regalia, precious jewels, and historical artifacts.

Crown Jewels: These include crowns, scepters, and other ceremonial items used by Bavarian rulers.

Ornamental Objects: Items such as intricate chalices, ceremonial swords, and luxurious accessories.

Historical Treasures: Artifacts related to the history and culture of Bavaria and its monarchy.

Out of the the Munich Residence

I strolled along the streets behind the Munich Residence Museum to continue the Munich Walk that I had started in the previous blog.

This building is part of Munich Residence.

I walked in to check it out

Inside buildings of Munich Residence

Then turned back and out to the street

Another Munich Residence entrance next to the one before

I walked in

This is all part of the Munich Residence

I kept working straight to the building entrance in front

This is also the part of the Residence

Then I turned around and walked out back to the street

On the street again

Theatine Church

The Theatine Church (Theatinerkirche), officially known as St. Kajetan Church (St. Kajetan), is a prominent Baroque church in Munich. It was commissioned by the Bavarian Elector Ferdinand Maria and his wife Henriette Adelaide in the mid-17th century, primarily as a thank-you offering for the birth of their son, who would later become Elector Max Emanuel.

The church is a example of Baroque architecture, characterized by its grand and ornate design.

Inside, the church is equally impressive, featuring a lavish Baroque interior with intricate stucco work, elaborate altars, and a grand dome.

I kept shooting the same picture repeatedly because the lighting was so beautiful.

The back side

My back side

I turned left on the street


I turned around and walked back to the other side.

At the Hofgarten

Then I walked back to Marienplatz.