Ringling Circus Museum, Sarasota, Florida, USA

Oct 30, 2022 | Museum, USA: Florida

The 3800-square foot model of the circus itself demonstrates the grandeur of the traveling show as well as the hidden challenges such as quarantined animals, feeding that many people daily, and laundry.

Ringling Circus Museum: 5401 Bay Shore Rd, Sarasota, Florida, USA

Within, circus memorabilia abound with plenty of hands-on activities for those little curious hands. The history of Ringling Circus and its performers gives a new perspective to this world of entertainers.

Inside the Ringling complex are two Circus museums.

Entrance to one of the museums

Half of the museum is dedicated to the mini-models of circus day activities created by the person below.

The model starts with the circus trains arriving with the circus people, animals, equipments, and many other things the circus needs.

The circus materials are carried into the circus area.

Fruit and vegetable section for the circus people.

Preparing food for the circus people

The dining tent

The performers and animals line up and enter the main circus tent

Other performers are taking a rest

The big tent.  This is where the circus happens

Performers waiting to enter the circus

The model cycle through simulated daytime and nighttime.  Now it is nighttime, and so it became dark.

Changed to the nighttime

Before the main circus tent, the people go through another tent lined up with caged animals.

Now to the circus tent

The circus is held near train stations for easy transportation.

Another part of the museum is dedicated to the type of circus performances.

The entrance to the second circus museum

The six Ringling brothers.  The one in the center is John Ringling

At one time, he was the king of the circus, but like any other thing, the business declined.

The private train car that John used during his show business.