William J. Clinton Library and Museum, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
The Library and Museum tell the story of the Clinton Presidency. They feature the campaign, inauguration, and special policy sections that highlight the work of the President, and life in the White House.
William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum: 1200 President Clinton Ave, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
It is situated on 17 acres of land located next to the Arkansas River and was designed by architectural firm Polshek Partnership. With a 68,698-square-foot floor plan, the library itself is the largest presidential library in terms of physical area. The archives are the largest as well, containing 2 million photographs, 80 million pages of documents, 21 million e-mail messages, and 79,000 artifacts from the Clinton presidency.

Next to the library is this bridge that goes over the Arkansas River.

View of the library from the bridge.

The Arkansas River

The park next to the library

An exact replica of the Cabinet Room in the White House

The main display area

Each side wall has display cases highlighting his achievements in the selected theme.

In the center are the canvases that show the laws passed each year he was the president.

The blue binders contain the presidential records.

Go up the stairs

The exact replica of the Oval Office while Clinton was the president.

Clinton School of Public Service is next to the library.