Seoul Jeongneung Royal Tomb, South Korea

Feb 13, 2022 | Historical Site, Neighborhood, South Korea - Seoul Area

Jeongneung is the royal tomb of Queen Sindeok. She was the second wife of King Taejo, the founder of the Joseon Dynasty.

Jeongneung Royal Tomb: 136-100 116, Arirang-ro 19-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Although it is a simple tomb without many of the stone figures traditionally placed before a royal tomb, it has historical interest as it has faithfully kept the style of an early Joseon period tomb.

Information on the tomb

The map of the area

The tomb was on the hill and was not accessible to tourists.

Small houses for the tomb guardians

On  the other side

The front yard

Near the entrance to this place is the house used by the people who took care of the tomb.  It is built for tourists and is not being used.

Out from the housing complex

Right out of the tomb entrance are these apartment buildings.  The tomb is in the mountain, so it is downhill from here to the city street.

The whole mountainside is redeveloped with many apartments.

Going up this hillside street

At the top of the hill is this elementary school.

Walking down as the city buildings come into view.

Reached the city level from the mountain hillside.