Namhae City, South Korea
In the whole area of Namhae, there are about 65,000 people lived here. In Namhae city, there are about 15,000 people. Namhae city is the largest population center in Namhae.
Namhae City: 158-16 Bukbyeon-ri, Namhae-eup, Namhae-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea
This is the main street of Namhae city, and it is about half-mile long. As one can expect, the city is small and does not have high-level buildings. I was able to look around the city in about 2 to 3 hours by walking.

Walking a side street to go to the next street over.

The next street is narrower.

Found a traditional market

Came out from the market to the street again.

Walking the side street to go back to the main road.

Back to the main road.